Real Citizen Information, Education and Entertainment Network

Citizen-centric information, education and entertainment inspired to help people to live successful and healthy lives.

About us

What is RCIEEN?

Real Citizen Information, Education and Entertainment Network (RCIEEN) is the next generation, global, citizen-centric network inspired to help people to live successful and healthy lives. RCIEEN’s founding vision was created in response to the need for multimedia content to help people to live successfully as global citizens, free of hate and intolerance. The organization was formed by a group of entrepreneurs, motivated to improve the economic and social conditions of people living in diverse communities across the world.


To become the largest global network offering authentic information, value-added education material, and entertainment for free.


  • To foster global collaboration in the production of quality online education material, entertainment, and general information.
  • To promote peace and unit of purpose amongst global citizens for sustainable development
  • To promote business brands and easy shopping by linking service providers and consumers
  • To mentor principles of success to the global audience for free.